Ecological Goals:
1. Garden - I REALLY want a nice garden this year, but have you seen my backyard, I mean patio? After last year's failed attempt (the storm battered it to pieces, see pic), I think I will try to get involved in a community garden this summer. There's nothing better than fresh, local, organic produce that you planted!
2. Read a few books. Probably Food, Not Lawns, Intro to Permaculture, and Affluenza...This list is subject to change.
- I feel like I need some organization, so I have a new bulletin board that I will use to organize meals, cleaning, bills, to do list, etc.
Family Health
- Meal planning, at least a general idea of what I want to eat to help me when I shop, and add some creativity to meals around here. I'm sick of the same things, and if I plan, I'm sure we will eat healthier. We usually try to eat healthy, but if I don't plan, we just eat whatever, sometimes healthy, sometimes not.
- I need to practice more patience. I thought I was a pretty patient person, being a teacher and a wife(hee, hee), but having a daughter has required a whole new level of patience, and sometimes I find my frustration gets the best of me. Sometimes I take a deep breath, and another, and it's still not enough. Like the time I'm cleaning up a big diaper mess, only to find my daughter eating remains of a mango from the trash can (who knows what else it was touching, yuck!), then I try to get her interested in something else, so I can finish, only to find her eating yet something else from the trash! Ahhh, life with a toddler can be trying.
Those are my ideas on Living Better in 2009. What does your list look like?
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